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What's something cool your student athletes might not know about you?
I've lived in Arizona for 10 years, I have 3 horses, and I work for Arizona State University!
When not riding or racing, I love playing disc golf!
I grew up on a dairy farm, milked cows, & drove tractors!
I love to travel and plan my vacations to bring my bike and explore new mountain bike trails!
I didn't start mountain bike racing until I was almost 40!
When not biking, I'm running. I've run 7 marathons!
My daughter's still think I'm cool!
When I was 14, I biked across the state of North Dakota....into the wind the whole way!
I was once the loon calling champion of Crosby, MN!
I’m a pilot in my spare time!
I've biked through Ireland, the Netherlands, and Greece, and I'm doing a cycling trip in England this summer!
My first ever MTN bike race was last year!
I love adventures and one of my most recent ones was hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon!
Family bike riding is my favorite!
Road cycling was my first love!
I'm an engineering student at UW Madison!
I enjoy all things that fly -- bikes, skis, airplanes, birds, bees and butterflies!
I like to go mountain biking in other states when I travel, but I think Wisconsin is still the best!
Growing up, I wanted to be Cru Jones from the movie Rad, and honestly I still do!
I talk myself through obstacles to stay on my bike!
I started racing bikes when I was 13!
Alongside mountain biking, I also enjoy riding Onewheels and working on cars!
I started racing mountain bikes at age 9!
I speak 4 languages(!) and still can't perform a wheelie... :(
Along with cycling, I also love to kayak and do wildlife photography!
My fav vacation treat is Strawberry & Nutella Crepes in Bentonville, AR!
I've loved mtn biking longer then most of their parents have been living!
Besides mountain biking, I enjoy backpacking and would love to get into BIKEpacking!
I like to travel and have been to 20 different countries!
Under this cool mounting bike exterior, deep down I'm an engineering nerd who designs highway bridges on a daily basis!
I still play year-round competitive soccer!
I make teeth!
I figure I have 1 or 2 years left before my kids smoke me in mountain biking!
I went and got some medical training to better supervise full tires-on-the-ground sends!